[Akce] GSI - Blueberry fest

Tomáš Mrkvička mrkvicka.toma na gmail.com
Středa Září 5 22:51:35 CEST 2012

Mili tanecnici / Dear dancers

Chteli bychom Vas pozvat na tanecni akci GSI-Blueberry fest (
http://gbf.pry.cz/ ), ktera se bude konat
ve dnech 2.-4. listopadu. Tancovat se bude na americkeho callera Walta
Burra, ktery
calleruje jiz pres tricet let na ruznych mistech sveta. Nezapomenme ovsem
take na zname tvare
Tomase Machalika, Kaji Stefka a Tomase Mrkvicky. Roundem nas bude bavit
Matyas Brenner.
Hlavni naplni akce je sobotni MS, Plus, A1 a round faze II-IV. Sobotu pak
doplni patecni a nedelni
bloky A1/A2.  Na sobotni vecer jsme pripravili spolecne
tancovani MS/Plus, ktere si muzeme vsichni spolecne uzit ve velkem poctu na
kvalitniho callera v krasne hale.
Prijedte si k nam uzit poradny zazitek.
Za cele Blueberry
Tomas Mrkvicka

We would like to invite you at the dancing event GSI-Blueberry fest (
http://gbf.pry.cz/ ), which will be from 2nd to 4th November.
We will dance on American caller Walt Burr, who calls more than thirty
years all over the world. Also, there will be Czech callers
Tomas Machalik, Kaja Stefek and Tomas Mrkvicka and cuer Matyas Brenner.
The main dish of the event is Saturday MS, Plus, A1 and round dance phase
II-IV. On Friday and Sunday, we will have A1/A2.
For the Saturday evening, we prepare common dancing of MS/Plus, which we
can together enjoy among many dancers with quality caller in nice hall.
Come and enjoy quality experience.
On behalf of SDC Blueberry
Tomas Mrkvicka
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