[PATCH 1/2] flex: Avoid REJECT name conflict.

Joakim Tjernlund joakim.tjernlund at transmode.se
Thu Apr 29 19:46:54 CEST 2010

Martin Mares <mj at ucw.cz> wrote on 2010/04/29 19:23:22:
> Hello!
> > No, but it is the equivalent of renaming a variable from an ideal name
> > to a less ideal name, not a big deal.
> It's called breaking invariants. So far, all tokens were named in a uniform,
> systematic way. Your patch breaks it. Hence your patch is buggy.

The original workaround is "buggier"

> Do not fix a problem by introducing another.
> Generally speaking, your bug reports are very welcome, but patches which
> offer ugly kludges as solutions not so much.

I have moved the the workaround to where it belongs,
in the grammar files. The current kludge masks potential bugs
and causes compiler warnings and is a much worse workaround than the
one I offer while we wait for you to fix the token name space.


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