RIPng (Sorry for beating a dead horse!)

David Splittberger david.splittberger at
Fri Feb 17 23:09:39 CET 2012

So I've just started using bird and just wanted to verify with you all what
I'm seeing in RIPng. I've scoured the mailing list archives so I'm pretty
sure this is the same bug that has been reported before but I figured I
would just see if maybe I've actually got a misconfiguration instead.

So I'm running BIRD 1.3.2 on a couple of ubuntu boxes:
Linux newport 2.6.28-11-server #42-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 17 02:45:36 UTC 2009
x86_64 GNU/Linux

bird> show status
BIRD 1.3.2

setup is pretty simple. I've got two boxes but logically i've made 3 by
using two tables on one to simulate two routers. configs exactly are:

eth2 - table2 RA - eth0 ---------------------- eth0 RB eth1
----------------------- eth1 table3 RB -eth3

router id;
table t4;
table t5;

protocol kernel kern1 {
import all;
export all;
table t4;
kernel table 2;
scan time 20;

protocol kernel kern2 {
import all;
export all;
table t5;
kernel table 3;
scan time 20;

protocol device {
scan time 10;

protocol direct dir1 {
table t4;
import all;
interface "eth0","eth2";

protocol direct dir2 {
table t5;
import all;
interface "eth1","eth3";

protocol rip my_rip1 {
table t4;
import filter { print "importing"; accept; };
export filter { print "exporting"; accept; };
port 521;
honor neighbor;
interface "eth0" { metric 2; mode broadcast; };
authentication none;
period 30;
garbage time 60;

protocol rip my_rip2 {
table t5;
import filter { print "importing"; accept; };
export filter { print "exporting"; accept; };
port 521;
honor neighbor;
interface "eth1" { metric 2; mode broadcast; };
authentication none;
period 30;
garbage time 60;

router id;

protocol kernel kern1 {
import all;
export all;
scan time 20;

protocol device {
scan time 10;

protocol direct {
import all;
interface "eth0","eth1";

protocol rip my_rip1 {
import filter { print "importing"; accept; };
export filter { print "exporting"; accept; };
port 521;
honor neighbor;
interface "eth0" { metric 2; mode broadcast; };
interface "eth1" { metric 2; mode broadcast; };
authentication none;
period 30;
garbage time 60;

Now, with mode set to broadcast when using RIPng, I see no updates being
sent out on my links. Packet captures turn up nothing and debug <rip
instance> all shows nothing. If I change mode broadcast to multicast, I see
updates being sent but I then get these messages:

bird> debug >>> my_rip2: fe80::215:17ff:fe0d:86f5 send me routing info but
he is not my neighbor
>>> my_rip1: fe80::215:17ff:fe0d:86f4 send me routing info but he is not my
   >>> my_rip2: fe80::215:17ff:fe0d:86f5 send me routing info but he is not
my neighbor
>>> my_rip1: fe80::215:17ff:fe0d:86f4 send me routing info but he is not my
>>> my_rip2: fe80::215:17ff:fe0d:86f5 send me routing info but he is not my
>>> my_rip1: fe80::215:17ff:fe0d:86f4 send me routing info but he is not my
>>> my_rip2: fe80::215:17ff:fe0d:86f5 send me routing info but he is not my
>>> my_rip1: fe80::215:17ff:fe0d:86f4 send me routing info but he is not my
>>> my_rip2: fe80::215:17ff:fe0d:86f5 send me routing info but he is not my
>>> my_rip1: fe80::215:17ff:fe0d:86f4 send me routing info but he is not my

I hadn't seen those messages turn up in anyone elses posts to the mailing
list about RIPng so it's making me think I have a misconfiguration

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