Need some help about static routing tables on two hosts.

Eliezer Croitoru eliezer at
Wed Jul 25 22:46:10 CEST 2012

i' kind of new in some of this stuff so i need basically directions.

i am working on a lab for a real implementation.
the way things works now is like that:

10 proxies behind 2 LB that works based o linux route policies.
the policies are "from ip/mask use routing table 10" will take all 
traffic from these sources through proxy 10 route that is store in linux 
routing table 10 that contains "default via proxy_ip".

there is a "master" server that gets live extended status of each proxy.
it can be up\down load = 80% etc...
and if a change of a route on the LB should be changed it is being 
committed using a script over ssh almost manually.

what i want to do is to use bird to control the routing tables on the LB 
and on the "master" server have an instance of bird the will feed the 
routes to the LB bird.
so the LB will be completely untouchable in the OS commands level.

i have tried to understand if there is a way to make it all work but i 
dont seem to understand what i can and what i cannot do using bird.

the clients are at:
the LB has the address + +
the proxy servers are at
the master sits in the proxy lan at:
the gw of the proxy servers is the LB
the default gw of the LB is

so i want the master to monitor the proxy servers and in a case of 
change in the network status of a proxy for any reason to let say down i 
would change the routes in specific table and then send bird "configure 
soft" to update the settings.

so if there is a nice method of combining all bird capabilities and some 
routing protocol for the process i will be very happy to hear about it.

i have tried to use bgp in a local as between the  master and the LB but 
it seems that on the LB when he gets the static route it states the route: .... unreachable.

i will later will put here the settings i used.


Eliezer Croitoru
IT consulting for Nonprofit organizations
eliezer <at>

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