[PATCH] include directive glob support

Ondrej Filip feela at network.cz
Fri Jun 8 22:49:27 CEST 2012

On 8.6.2012 22:22, Kelly Cochran wrote:

Thank you for this! I will look at it, but it seems to be simple. :-)


> A quickie patch I whipped up a while ago to extend the include directive to add in glob support.  include "/etc/bird.d/peers/*" just seemed like a useful thing.
> I'd be surprised if it didn't do something not quite right, but it's worked for what I've needed it to.
> -- -H U R R I C A N E - E L E C T R I C-
> Kelly Cochran   Sr. Network Engineer
> 510-580-4100    http://www.he.net/   AS6939

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