Advertise prefix without static

Andrew nitr0 at
Sun Nov 22 13:37:55 CET 2015


BIRD can redistribute only routes|prefixes that are in BIRD's route 
table. This is 1) available into system routing tables 2) obtained from 
other routing protocols and 3) specified in static protocol.

Why do you want to redistribute prefix that isn't in BIRD routing table? 
If you doesn't want to pass static route to kernel - you can filter it 
in kernel protocol (but I can't imagine cases when this'll be useful).

22.11.2015 14:05, David S. пишет:
> Hi All,
> My name is David, I'm from Indonesia. I'm new on BGP and especially 
> Bird. I configure FreeBSD 10.2 with Bird 1.5. I just want to know 
> there is any way to advertise a network prefix without protocol 
> static, please tell how if is it possible. I have read the 
> documentation and I can't find any article that point me to my question.
> Thanks in advance.
> Best regards,
> David S.
> ------------------------------------------------
> e. david at <mailto:david at>
> w.

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