OSPF and discard some ospf_router_id

Maximilian Wilhelm max at rfc2324.org
Fri Feb 5 12:52:51 CET 2016

Anno domini 2016 Anton Kiryushkin scripsit:

Hi Anton,

> As I think, on the first server I discard any announce from second server
> and conversely. But on both servers I see both servers as neighbors. Where
> I'm wrong?

You seem to have confused routes and OSPF adjacencies. You filter out
routes imported from/exported into the OSPF area. That's possible but
is only relevant for the local machine. Any route residing in the OSPF
area will reach all routers (and maybe filtered out there).

What you can't control with import/export filters is wether two OSPF
routers are forming an adjacency so they become neighbors.

> And maybe you suggest me another way for reservation ip on two servers?

I'm not sure what you ment. Can you explain?

<@uschebit> Aua. Wenn man sich die Rechte einer Datei anzeigen lassen will und
            (analog zu chmod) dazu lsmod nimmt, sollte man sich ganz schnell
	    als root ausloggen und einen Kaffee holen.
<@KrisK> eben. wo es doch getfacl ist

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