multiple BIRD instances on the same machine with seperated RIBs

Maximilian Wilhelm max at
Tue Jul 10 14:59:36 CEST 2018

Anno domini 2018 Kurt Wauters scripsit:


> I recently started playing with BIRD and was wondering if i can run
> multiple BIRD instances on the same machine but the route selection should
> happen per instance and not accross instances.
> Basically i want to setup different RS on the same machine.
> I’ve found out that you can listen on different ip’s/interfaces but they
> seem to be sharing the same table. Any idea if and how it can be configured?

Every protocol has a paramter to configure the table it works with and
bird can have multiple internal tables and - if need be - sync each
of them to corresponding table in the Linux kernel. But the latter is

So this should be fairly easy.

See the "table" paramter at the protocols and the "table" statement in
the main configuration.

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