logging via udp

Ondrej Zajicek santiago at crfreenet.org
Wed Dec 18 13:01:29 CET 2019

On Wed, Dec 18, 2019 at 09:14:43AM +0100, Alexander Zubkov wrote:
> Hello,
> Made some dirty patch for myself to allow bird to send logs via udp.
> But it may be useful not only for me, so posting it here. It could be
> useful when server experiencing high IO-load. As syslog and file
> operations in bird are blocking, it can be blocked on writing to it
> for indefinite time, which could lead to various problems like
> protocol timeouts. So udp logging comes in handy here. The tradeoff is
> that we can miss some logs if they are not processed in time.
> You can specify udp log destination like that:
> log udp [host IP|"hostname"] [port NUMBER|"portname"] ...


Is this compatible with some standard for UDP logging or with other
infrastructure (log deamons), or you just collect it using netcat?

One issue in the patch is that getaddrinfo() is blocking and could block
for several seconds if you have unreachable DNS servers. The same issue
is also in RPKI code, and we plan to add some asynchronous resolver, so
no need to handle it in this patch.

We already experienced issues related to excsessive logging, another
neat solution is to log to (length-limited) file on ramfs.

Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Ondrej 'Santiago' Zajicek (email: santiago at crfreenet.org)
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"To err is human -- to blame it on a computer is even more so."
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