Submitting code? (Wireguard)

Janne Heß janne at
Thu May 30 23:16:42 CEST 2019

Hey everyone,

I wrote code that adds Wireguard support (new kernelspace VPN) to Bird 2.
The problem is that with the cryptokey routing of Wireguard, it needs to know which IPs are behind which peers.
The patch does exactly that: If the interface is a wireguard interface, try modifying the list of IPs.
So my question is: How do I contribute that? I think the feature would be useful for other people, so having it upstream would be nice.
Should I just post the patch here? Or create a GitLab PR? PR would probably be more convenient due to the discussion feature, but I'm unable to fork the project because my project limit is at 0.
Could you give me information on how to contribute the code?

Thanks and regards

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