BIRD Testing With Ansible?

Maria Matejka maria.matejka at
Wed Jun 1 13:32:43 CEST 2022


>>  From my point of view it is somewhat orthogonal things. For me Ansible
>> is more like a deploy tool, not testing. And probably for creating a
>> testing setup with Ansible you need some additional tools to support
>> creating of the environment.
>>> (1) Are you using Ansible with BIRD?
>> We use ansible with bird, but there is nothing bird-specific in it. We
>> just generate configs from templates and deploy them with Ansible.
> Same here, 100%. I use Ansible to deploy and configure BIRD, but would
> not have thought about using it to test BIRD.

Well, to setup a test case, we have to simulate a production environment 
somehow. We can either continue using our current tooling which we have 
to document and extend quite a lot. Or we can look somewhere else.

This is why I'm asking -- we'll keep using qemu-kvm and netns to test 
different cases, as well as our Python scripts to check the results. I'm 
asking about the orchestration, how familiar are the users with using 
Ansible (or any other orchestration tool).

Therefore the question may have also been – is Ansible a good and 
commonly used tool for BIRD deployment?


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