BGP Route Aggregation - latest status ???

Foo Weng Chan fw.chan at
Sat Jan 28 02:26:04 CET 2023

Hi All,


I'm using latest BIRD 2.0.12 but still not seeing availability of BGP Route
Aggregation feature.


May I know any update on this feature since the most recent post I can find
per below :


My setup has a BGP border router receives multiple /32 prefixes from few
internal IBGP peers. When advertise it our to EBGP peers, I need to
aggregate it into a single /24 prefix as the upstream ISP does not accept
any prefix smaller than /24. Also, when all IBGP peer stop announcing /32
prefixes, I shall stop announcing /24 prefix to EBGP as well.


Basically this is exactly what Cisco IOS router do with the following BGP
command :


aggregate-address 103.1035.59.0 summary-only



Is that anyway to implement the above with BIRD ?


Thanks & rgds,




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