question regarding table lookups

Maria Matejka maria.matejka at
Mon May 15 13:25:19 CEST 2023


These features are not present. I'm now merging (into v3) a feature allowing to check for routes in different tables but without parameters.

All in all, these features are not even in our backlog as they are surprisingly complex below the surface. Anyway, if there is a demand for this…

Thank you for your understanding.


On 15 May 2023 12:33:07 CEST, Andrew Azarov <equand at> wrote:
>I wanted to ask bird gurus whether there is a way to lookup record in a different table during filtering?
>We have several connections but also external policy generating daemon which optimizes routes.
>The route optimization goes into kernel table 2 (as opposed to master).
>After that we have a pipe which imports those with higher preference.
>Problem is when the route is withdrawn from bgp peers partly or completely (basically is not available any more) the route from peer table still gets imported.
>The result is - we have network routing to nowhere, while there might be alternative working routes.
>I tried to find any information on another table lookup inside filter but was unable to discover anything meaningful...
>Is there a way to either:
>a) lookup another table within import filter for master table and bump preference?
>b) during import from kernel table #2 bump preference in other tables? instead of using pipes
>c) modify preference inside tables manually without using kernel tables? ie with birdc?
>Thank you in advance
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