[PATCH] OSPF: on PtP ospf_iface with physical PtP links, skip next-hop resolving

Maximilian Wilhelm max at rfc2324.org
Fri Nov 10 13:43:02 CET 2023


Anno domini 2023 Ondrej Zajicek scripsit:

> I hope it does not break some multipoint tunnels like Wireguard, they
> often have bad flags reported by kernel, but they should be configured as
> PtMP anyways.

I disagree on the PtMP part.

I've deliberately set up a bunch of Wireguard tunnels, which by design
are PTP, as in, there are only ever two peers. I know that Wireguard
*can* handles PTMP, however having to enforce this in bird config
would be weird to me.

"Does it bother me, that people hurt others, because they are to weak to face the truth? Yeah. Sorry 'bout that."
 -- Thirteen, House M.D.

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