Strict Bind usability

Sebastian Hahn bird_users at
Sun Jan 14 22:50:18 CET 2024

Hi list,

I've been using strict bind for bgp, but there might be a lack in my understanding or I have a proposal for a new feature. Strict bind seems to be a bit more restrictive than I'd like (and than I think it is necessary):

I would like to use dynamic bgp (using a range for neighbour) with auto-configured LL IPv6 adresses. This doesn't work, of course, if I need to statically configure the source address, which I am forced to with the strict bind option. I am wondering, is this restriction really needed? There is only one IP address (the LL one) on the interface in question (and the interface is specified in config). I think this should mean that bird could just pick that IP address and use it for both source as well as to bind to. If that is true, could a "source address auto" option or so be added to allow such a configuration?

In addition, it would be great if a strict bind option could be added for the babel protocol.

Also let me say Thanks for bird, it's a pleasure to use!


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