<div dir="ltr"><p>Is this the right place to report and discuss an apparent bug with packaging in ppa:cz.nic-labs/bird ? If not, please advise where would be better.</p><p>If it is the right place... I'd like to report that bird on Xenial doesn't restart after a reboot, using bird version 1.6.0-1+xenial+1
from <a href="http://ppa.launchpad.net/cz.nic-labs/bird/ubuntu">http://ppa.launchpad.net/cz.nic-labs/bird/ubuntu</a> xenial/main amd64.</p><p>It appears the package is a bit inconsistent in its init system handling:</p><p>- It installs init configuration files for SysV, upstart and systemd.</p><p>- Its postinst (install-time) script calls 'update-rc.d bird defaults' and 'invoke-rc.d bird start'.</p><p></p><p>On
Xenial (which uses systemd), the invoke-rc.d call goes through to systemd - or at least,
systemctl status bird indicates running after an 'invoke-rc.d bird
start', and inactive after an 'invoke-rc.d bird stop' - but the
update-rc.d call does not call on to 'systemctl enable bird'. Hence the
observation that bird is not restarted on reboot.</p><p>Thoughts? From analogy with other packages (that are systemd-enabled when installed), I think the fix may be as simple as:</p><p>- adding '--with systemd' to the dh invocation</p><p>- adding dh-systemd as a build dep.</p><p>Thanks,</p><p> Neil</p><p><br></p></div>