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<p>Hello Grzegorz,</p>
<p>On Thu, Sep 19, 2024 at 06:11:18PM +0000, Ponikierski, Grzegorz via
Bird-users wrote:</p>
<p>According to my knowledge letter “i” in “[AS201701i]” means “IGP”.
“e” is for “EGP” and “?” is for “INCOMPLETE”. This is for BGP origin
<p>Other method to check eBGP vs iBGP is to check which protocol learned
given route and then verify configuration of protocol or do
<code>show protocol all</code> to figure out if it was eBGP or iBGP
session. It works but it is indirect method which requires extra steps.
It would be useful and timesaving that <code>show route</code> shows
this information directly. Is it problem with proper “print” function
for “show route” or Bird just don’t keep such info together with route
due to performance issues or memory saving?</p>
<p>BIRD doesn’t keep this information with the route as it can be
derived from the protocol importing it.</p>
<p>Please note that it is the user who specifies which session is eBGP
or iBGP, and thus you can include this fact directly in the protocol
name to reflect this difference.</p>
<p>Also, after introducing our new API (not yet existing), this can be
done easily in the client just by loading both the protocol and route
dump and combining them to get you anything you want.</p>
<p>Happy Routing!<br />
<p>–<br />
Maria Matejka (she/her) | BIRD Team Leader | CZ.NIC, z.s.p.o.</p>