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<p>Hello Radu,</p>
<p>sorry, this was a stupid omission of a null check. Fixed in <a
Could you please check that it works on your side now?</p>
<p>Thanks,<br />
<p>On Wed, Dec 18, 2024 at 02:55:19PM +0100, Maria Matejka via
Bird-users wrote:</p>
<p>We apparently missed this case in our test scenarios, so we’ll add
one and check if it reproduces. We’ll ask for more info if we need
<p>Congratulations to the first BIRD 3 bugreport and thanks for it!</p>
<p>On 18 December 2024 14:27:44 CET, Radu Anghel via Bird-users <a
class="email">bird-users@network.cz</a> wrote:</p>
<p>Using a slightly modified version of the config from the 2.15.1 (just
some {} inside case structures), but probably unrelated.</p>
<p>If bird gets killed/not shut down properly and routes remain in the
kernel then bird 3.0.0 is unable to restart and just segfaults when
trying to refresh kernel routes.</p>
<p>I can reproduce it by just kill -9 bird && restarting
<p>daemon.debug bird: KERNEL6.ipv6: route refresh begin: rr 1 set 1
valid 0 pruning 0 pruned 0</p>
<p>kern.info kernel: [75645.964935] bird[4162]: segfault at 0 ip
000000000045d47b sp 00007ffcb9f9f2c0 error 4 in bird[403000+a8000]
likely on CPU 1 (core 0, socket 1)</p>
<p>kern.info kernel: [75645.970115] Code: 5d 41 5c 41 5d 41 5e 41 5f c3
55 53 48 89 fb 48 83 ec 38 80 bb 79 02 00 00 04 48 8b 7f 30 75 46 48 89
d5 31 d2 e8 63 a4 ff ff <83> 38 00 49 89 c0 75 07 31 c0 e9 9d 00
00 00 48 8b 40 10 48 8d 7b</p>
<p>The kernel protocol config is:</p>
<pre><code>protocol kernel KERNEL6 {
debug { events, states };
scan time 3600;
merge paths on;
metric 0;
ipv6 {
import filter KERNEL_IN;
export filter KERNEL_OUT;
<p>–<br />
Maria Matejka (she/her) | BIRD Team Leader | CZ.NIC, z.s.p.o.</p>