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<p>the first message says that <code></code> is either your own
address or it isn’t considered reachable from what we can see on the
<p>To find out what causes the <code>File exists</code> message, we’ll
need you to allow <code>debug all;</code> inside the <code>ipv4</code>
block of your <code>protocol kernel</code> and send us a log snippet
around this message when it appears next time. Otherwise, we know
nothing. It is possibly BIRD trying to export a colliding route.</p>
<p>Maybe, but that’s a wild guess, you’re running OpenBSD (?) and you
have another route inside BIRD for xx.yy.zz.0/24. If that’s right, there
is quite a lot additional questions about what you are trying to achieve
and whether this is a good or bad state. But I’ll keep them for
<p>Have a nice day!<br />
<p>On Wed, Jan 08, 2025 at 08:53:45PM +0000, LIU Chris via Bird-users
<pre><code>Classified as: {Hitachi Rail - Public}
Basically configured bird as below
protocol device {
scan time 10;
protocol kernel {
scan time 10;
ipv4 {
export filter XXXX;
bgp and bfd are established, everything is fine.
But only have some annoying log:
Every 10 seconds to print below bird log, assuming this is caused by kernel protocol scan time 10. But why Netlink : File exists, it would write to kernel ???
KRT: Received route xx.yy.zz.0/24 with strange next-hop
Netlink: File exists
{Hitachi Rail - Public}</code></pre>
<p>–<br />
Maria Matejka (she/her) | BIRD Team Leader | CZ.NIC, z.s.p.o.</p>