[Callers] Pair Off z formace DPT podle CALLERLABu

Tomas Machalik doug na square.cz
Středa Listopad 24 07:36:50 CET 2004


pro doplneni jeste zavazne stanovisko CALLERLABu, kde se temito otazkami
zabyva Application Review Committee (ARC). Cituji z tiskoveho prohlaseni:


Question: Is it proper to call PAIR OFF from;

a. Lines Facing Out?
The ARC voted NO. This Does Not Comply with the definition of "Facing

b. Single File Right or Left Handed Columns?
The ARC voted NO. This too, Does Not Comply with the definition of
"Facing Dancers".

c. Double Pass Thru?
The ARC voted YES, But, for the center dancers ONLY!! Only the center
dancers can execute the call.



Otazka: Je spravne callerovat figuru PAIR OFF z formace:

a. Lines Facing Out?
Komise ARC odhlasovala odpoved NE. Toto pouziti neodpovida definici
formace "Facing Dancers".

b. Single File Right/Left Handed Columns?
Komise ARC odhlasovala odpoved NE. Toto pouziti rovnez neodpovida definici
formace "Facing Dancers".

c. Double Pass Thru?
Komise ARC odhlasovala odpoved YES - ale POUZE pro stredove tanecniky!
Figuru mohou provest pouze Centers.


Osobne me trochu prekvapilo, ze tam neni zadna zminka o "tradicnim"
pouziti typu Cross-Concentric - zrejme ale ze strany CALLERLABu nikdy
podporovano nebylo.

					Tomas "Doug" Machalik

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