[Square] Zmeny v definicich, Partner ve vlne, popisy figur

Tomas Machalik doug na square.cz
Pondělí Říjen 18 07:33:29 CEST 2004

Ahoj, lidicky,

bylo uzavreno dalsi kolo zmen definic programu Plus. Ke zmenam doslo u
figur Acey Deucey (zmena specifikace moznych vychozich formaci),
Coordinate (zmena uvodni akce - nyni Circulate 1 1/2, drive Single File
Circulate 1 1/2) a Peel Off (vyjasneni pozice koncove formace a akce
jednotlivych tanecniku). Konkretne nove definice vypadaji takto:

ACEY DEUCEY: Starting formation - parallel waves and two-faced lines.
Other formations which meet the following conditions are also acceptable:
Must be able to identify 4 centers and 4 ends (or outsides). Centers must
be able to trade within in adjacent pairs of 2. Ends (or outsides) must be
able to Circulate and not become centers.
Center 4 Trade, while the others Circulate.

ACEY DEUCEY - VYCHOZI FORMACE: Parallel Waves, Two-Faced Lines; pripustne
jsou i dalsi formace splnujici nasledujici podminky: musi byt mozne urcit
4 stredove tanecniky a 4 koncove (nebo vnejsi) tanecniky. Stredovi
tanecnici musi byt schopni provest figuru Trade v sousedicich dvojicich.
Koncovi (nebo vnejsi) tanecnici musi byt schopni provest figuru Circulate
a nestat se pritom stredovymi. TIMING: 4

Ctyri stredovi tanecnici provedou figuru Trade, zatimco ostatni provedou
figuru Circulate.
COORDINATE: Starting formation: Columns.
All dancers Circulate once and a half. The center six (three adjacent
pairs) Trade (turn 180). The very center two dancers release handholds and
walk diagonally outward to the end of the forming lines. The two lonesome
dancers walk ahead, moving in a quarter circle, to become the other ends
of the forming lines.
STYLING: The center six dancers (three adjacent pairs) use hands up
position for trading action. After the very center two dancers release
handholds and move forward, all dancers join hands with a couple handhold.
No time allowed for skirt work.


Vsichni tanecnici provedou figuru Circulate 1 1/2. Sest stredovych
tanecniku (tri sousedici pary) provede figuru Trade (otoci se o 180). Dva
Very Centers uvolni drzeni a jdou po uhlopricce smerem ven na konec
vznikajicich rad. Dva osamoceni tanecnici jdou vpred po ctvrtkrouzku a
stanou se druhymi konci vznikajicich rad.

PROVEDENI: Sest stredovych tanecniku (tri pary) je v drzeni obvyklem pro
akci Trade. Pote, co dva Very Centers uvolni drzeni a jdou vpred, se
vsichni tanecnici uchopi do paroveho drzeni. Na praci se sukni neni cas.
PEEL OFF: Starting formation - Tandem Couples, Box Circulate, or Z
Lead dancers walk in an approximate semicircle, away from the center of
the starting formation, to become the ends of a four-dancer line. Trailing
dancers step forward as necessary to become centers of the same line and U
Turn Back, turning away from the center of the starting formation. All
dancers end in a four-dancer line. Each dancer will have turned half (180
degrees) to end facing the opposite direction from which they started.
Peel Off from Tandem Couples ends in a One-Faced Line. Peel Off from Box
Circulate or a Z ends in a Two-Faced Line.
Notes: Everyone can Roll after a Peel Off. Dancers move in a smooth,
continuous motion that cannot be fractionalized. The center of the ending
formation is the same as the center of the starting formation.
Two dancers who form a Tandem and have a center to work away from can Peel
Off as if in a box circulate formation (e.g., the ends of waves or the
points of diamonds). They finish as a couple on a line midway between the
original lead and trailing positions.
STYLING: Arms should be held in natural dance position and ready to assume
appropriate position for the next call. It is important that lead dancers
move slightly forward before starting the "peeling" motion.

PEEL OFF - VYCHOZI FORMACE: Jeden par nasledujici druhy (Tandem Couples),
Box Circulate nebo Z-Formation. TIMING: 4

Leaders jdou po pribliznem pulkrouzku od stredu vychozi formace a stanou
se koncovymi tanecniky rady ctyr tanecniku. Trailers podle potreby
postoupi o krok vpred, aby se stali stredovymi tanecniky teze rady, a
provedou figuru U Turn Back smerem od stredu vychozi formace. Vsichni
tanecnici skonci v rade ctyr tanecniku. Kazdy tanecnik se otoci o 1/2 (180
stupnu) a skonci otocen opacnym smerem nez na zacatku. Figura Peel Off z
formace Tandem Couples konci ve formaci One-Faced Line. Figura Peel Off z
formace Box Circulate nebo Z-formation konci ve formaci Two-Faced Line.

Poznamky: Po figure Peel Off mohou vsichni provadet figuru Roll. Tanecnici
se pohybuji plynule a souvisle, pohyb nelze delit na casti. Stred koncove
formace se shoduje se stredem vychozi formace.

Dva tanecnici, kteri stoji za sebou (Tandem) a mohou urcit stred, od
ktereho se budou otacet, mohou provest figuru Peel Off jako z formace Box
Circulate (napriklad koncovi tanecnici vln nebo Points formaci Diamond).
Skonci jako par na urovni stredu formace puvodnich tanecniku Leader a

PROVEDENI: Ruce jsou v prirozene tanecni poloze, pripravene pro drzeni
podle nasledujiciho povelu. Je dulezite, aby Leaders udelali pred samotnym
pohybem "Peel" krok vpred.

V prekladu definic na adrese http://www.square.cz/articles/pluscz.html
jsou tyto verze definic jiz uvedeny (anglickou verzi momentalne najdete
treba na adrese http://www.square.cz/articles/plusen.html (na webu
CALLERLABu zatim k dispozici neni). Je mozne, ze v dohledne dobe dojde i
ke zmenam definic figur programu Mainstream, zatim ale zadne konkretni
informace nemam.

Dalsi zajimavou informaci je vyjasneni (snad jiz definitivni) toho, zda
tanecnik ma Partnera ve formaci Ocean Wave neboli vlne. Vzhledem k tomu,
ze Partner je definovan v paru nebo minivlne, je ve vlne ctyr tanecniku
Partner sousedni tanecnik (stredovy pro koncoveho a naopak).

A uplne na zaver: pokud otvirate pripravku a chcete studentum dat neco,
podle ceho by si mohli figury opakovat, muzete si stahnout popisy figur
programu MS 1-53 (byvaly Basic) z adresy
http://www.square.cz/articles/popisy53.pdf - vyslovne ovsem upozornuji, ze
jde o popisy pro referenci, nikoli o presne preklady definici!

Mejte se hezky,
					Tomas "Doug" Machalik

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