[Square] THANK YOU for the great convention

Iveta Benova iveta.benova na gmail.com
Pondělí Květen 5 16:37:14 CEST 2008

chcela by som sa este raz podakovat vsetkym, ktori svojim ucinkovanim
prispeli k uzasnej atmosfere Convention.  Aj keby sme sa my
organizatori potrhali, bez Vas by ziadna Convention nebola. Dakujem
Vam, ze ste predviedli to najlepsie a tanecnici si stazovali len na
to, ze ich uz nohy bolia od tancovania. :-) Preposielam Vam tymto
vsetky podakovania od spokojnych tanecnikov.
Ja osobne sa najviac tesim na Convention v Prahe. Aby som si aj ja
mohla zatancovat na takych uzasnych callerov a cuerov. :-)

Zaroven by som sa chcela podakovat vsetkym, ktori si prisli k nam
zatancovat. Som stastna, ze podla Vasich ohlasov sa Vam cesta oplatila
a prezili ste prijemny vikend.
Dakujem Vam za celu Karolinu za vsetky Vase maily a za vsetky usmevy,
ktore ste nam venovali.
Nic nemoze byt pre hostitela vacsou odmenou ako spokojni hostia...

Dovidenia coskoro v nejakom stvorceku alebo koliesku.

Karolina SDC

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kerry TIMMINS <K.Timmins na unido.org>
Date: Mon, May 5, 2008 at 10:53 AM
Subject: THANK YOU for the great convention
To: "iveta.benova" <iveta.benova na gmail.com>

Dear Iveta and Team,

I was having such a great time at the convention that I didn't make it
to your visitors' book. Please cut and paste this "thank you" note
into the book for me.

Although it might not go down in history as such, the 1st Slovak
Convention was also the "1st Kerry Convention". It should however go
down in history as a great convention. Like everyone else, I couldn't
stop dancing.

If conventions were cakes this one was a "Sacher Torte". The
"surprise" folk dancing and the open air dance at Primacialne namestie
were the cream on the cake.

I have some nice videos of the dancing at the Primacialne namestie
that I took from the second floor window which I will give to Jirka.


Kerry Timmins
UNIDO Public Information
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