Hans Theiss htheiss na gmx.de
Úterý Leden 12 14:53:23 CET 2010

Dear friends,

I write these lines in English, because I do not speak your language. I 
hope that someone will translate my words into the Czech language.

I have enjoyed the three days in Ostrava very much, especially the games 
at the after party on saturday and the "Skok přes kůľi". I thank 
everyone for the warm welcome, although I understand your language only 
very little and in general do not speak it. But I will try to learn a 
little Czech for the next time.

Here again for all my motto at Skok přes kůľi:

Ničeho se nebojím, toho snad jen, ľe bych se mohl prásknout hlavou o 
strop, a proto jsem zůstal raději malý.

I did not regret the long trip from Munich to Ostrava and I hope to see 
you all again in the next year, maybe already in this year in Třebon and 
at the Rainbow Convention in Prague or any other Special Dance I will 
attend in the Czech Republic.

Many thanks to Pyro for the photos that he has made available on the 

I have also taken a few photos.
Here is the link to my fotoalbum on Google's Picasa:

I See You in a square

Hans ( Running Turtles SDC, Augsburg, Germany )

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