bird2 doesn't negotiate with gobgp over ipv6

Vladimir Pouzanov farcaller at
Sun May 5 09:45:32 CEST 2024

On Sun, May 5, 2024 at 7:35 AM Maria Matejka <maria.matejka at> wrote:

> The error message actually means "you requested direct connection but i
> can't see the right interface to use because there is no interface with
> this range assigned".

Thanks, that was it!

I must have missed the note in the docs on that, because with ipv4 I just
had the same subnet, but with ipv6 I don't have a public address assigned
on the bird side. `multihop 1` Fixed the negotiation issue. I got a few
more, but those seem to be related to either gobgp sending malformed
updates (Invalid NEXT_HOP attribute - mismatched address family
(2a01:xx:yy:zz:4746:92e9:327c:d930 for ipv4)), or the bird configuration
not being able to parse a `-` in the interface name. Both unrelated to this
particular issue at hand.
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