Importing MRT files into bird

Daniel Gomez Daniel.Gomez at
Tue Nov 26 08:48:00 CET 2013

Good Morning,

I am looking for a direct way to import a full bgp table into bird using
the RIS Raw Data from RIPE NCC

This page links to the raw data collected by the RRCs using Quagga routing
software, stored in MRT format. This format is described in an IETF draft.
These files can be read using libbgpdump, a library written in C by Dan
Ardelean, currently maintained by the RIPE NCC. A Python library also
exists, PyBGPdump which provides access to MRT files via Python.

Actually, I can import the routes via bgpsimple/bgpdump into bird
stablishing a bgp connection, but I would like to know, if there is a way
for bird to directly import MRT File and the routes.

Have someone tried it before?


Daniel Gomez

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