Kernel protocol

Irene Lalioti irene.lalioti at
Fri Mar 20 09:03:34 CET 2020

Hello guys!

I would like to ask you what would you think the better practice would
be: Can we remove totally the kernel protocol?

I thought no but we tested it and it works. Now we have on our linuxbox
set the static routes outside bird daemon, where we specify that the
caches we have are behind the border routers.

Would it be safe to totally remove this from the system configs and only
use the Direct protocol as we said yesterday, and rely on the direct
protocol that it learns the connected network and the multihop of the
caches which reside behind the border routers?

Thanks a lot!!


Irene Lalioti
Network Engineer
Fondation RESTENA
2, avenue de l'Université
L-4365 Esch/Alzette

Tel: +352 424409 1
Fax: +352 422473

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