Unable to get Bird 2 to listen on the BGP socket

bauen1 j2468h at googlemail.com
Thu Sep 3 13:32:44 CEST 2020


On 9/3/20 10:43 AM, Maria Matejka wrote:
> What user runs BIRD? 179 is lesser than 1024 so only root can bind to it. BIRD doesn't even attempt if it is not root. On linux, BIRD can drop all privileges except for privileged port binding almost immediately after startup; see bird -h for more info.

At least on debian, perhaps it was patched, bird will still try to open the port, even if not running as root.
This way I can start bird under the bird user and bird group and give it the capability CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE to allow it to bind to port 179.


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