[Callers] Acey Deucy

Martin Podlaha pavouk na square.cz
Pondělí Listopad 15 13:19:43 CET 2004

> >> (treba column), zkusim to na lidi a uvidim.
> >Bacha, u Acey Deucey neni concentric Circulate, ale Circulate:
> >>  Ends (or outsides) must be able to Circulate and not become centers.
> > Jak to chces delat z Columns?
> No prave jako Concentric. Zrovna v tomto pripade si myslim, ze by to slo.
Kdo jsou ends, je jasne, a ani si nikdo prekazet nebude. Nevim, jak se na to
lidi budou tvarit, ale za zkousku to stoji.
> David

jsi si opravdu jisty tim co tu pises? Dovol abych ti rekl nasledujici:

1) Dle meho nazoru se seredne pletes, to co pises je holy nesmysl. Tanecnici
na urovni znalosti A2 a nize - tedy ti jez proste neznaji Concentric concept
to nemohou zatancovat, budou-li postupovat presne podle definic a pravidel
jez znaji. Museli by proste projit skrz ty centers, zaslapnout je... a to
nejde. Ne, tady neplati a nepomuze zadne pravidlo mijeni pravym ramenem, ani
nic jineho co znaji. Bez dodatecnych povelu a directional calling (ale to uz
je o necem uplne jinem a v nasich krajich to casto nefunguje kvuli neochote
a jazykove bariere) proste nemaji jak najit tu cirkulacni drahu. A i kdyby
ji nasli, budou patrne dost na vazkach, jestli se maji na konci dorovnat ci
ne, proste jaka je vysledna formace.

2) Jako soukroma osoba - caller z vysokych levelu si tvrd co chces a od
takoveho snad i pochopim, ze nezna pravidla na tech "nizkych" levelech (jak
rikam, tady nestaci ani A2). Ale ty mas krom toho take funkci v CSCTA. Dle
meho nazoru jednu ze dvou nejdulezitejsich funkci a z pohledu clena-callera
vubec nejdulezitejsi funkci. Ja (=obycejny radovy clen, caller) vcelku kaslu
na prezidenta, pokladnika a dalsi cleny byrokratickeho aparatu. Jsou pro mne
nezajimavi, to jsou jen administrativni sluzba pro tebe (a pro Round Dance
coordinatora), mne zajima to co pro mne CSCTA dela a to by melo prichazet od
proto te prosim - dokud v te funkci jsi, zvazuj co rikas a pises. Muzes tim
dost zmast a neumyslne uvest v blud ty kdoz nevedi jak se veci maji.

Abych objasnil proc to pisi a proc se muj nazor s tvym rozchazi, tady jsou

ACEY DEUCEY - Starting formation - parallel waves and two-faced lines. Other
formations which meet the following conditions
are also acceptable: Must be able to identify 4 centers and 4 ends (or
outsides). Centers must be able to trade within in
adjacent pairs of 2. Ends (or outsides) must be able to Circulate and not
become centers. Center 4 Trade, while the others
Circulate. TIMING - 4

Aha, je tam Circulate. Takze:

11 REVISED SEP 1, 2003
52. CIRCULATE FAMILY: Starting formation - waves, columns, lines and
two-faced lines. GENERAL RULE: Directed (active)
dancers move forward along the circulate path to the next position. The
circulate paths for various formations are indicated by the dotted
lines in the diagrams.
Directed dancers circulate using the general rule. (f) COUPLES CIRCULATE:
Starting formation - lines or two-faced lines. Each
couple, working as a unit, moves forward along the circulate path to the
next position, using the general rule. (g) BOX CIRCULATE:
Starting formation - box circulate. Each dancer moves forward along the
circulate path to the next position, using the general rule. (h)
SINGLE FILE CIRCULATE (COLUMN): Starting formation - columns. Each dancer
moves forward along the circulate path to the next
position, using the general rule. (i) SPLIT CIRCULATE: Starting formation -
lines, waves or columns. The formations divide into two
separate boxes and dancers circulate within their own foursome, using the
general rule.


To je prosim definice, ktera plati na Mainstreamu. Jine znalosti Circulate
tam tanecnici nemaji. Ano, lze delat Circulate i z jinych formaci, ale musi
to byt resitelne na zaklade TECHTO znalosti.
Dovolim si tu nepublikovat i dalsi definice Diamond Circulate z Plusu, Cross
Ovwer Circulate z A1 a Trade Circulate ci Hourglass Circulate z A2. Vsichni
zajiste dobre znaji, kdo nazna, muze je najit napriklad na

V zadne z techto definic tanecnikum nic nerika, ze by meli obejit prekazky
sirokym obloukem. Vzdy jsou primo na dalsi "zastavku" na cirkulacni draze.
To je zakladni princip cele figury, jez se tanecnikum od pocatku vstepuje -
a pokud ten pochopi, nemaji pak problem provadet circulate ze vsech moznych
legalnich provedeni. To co po nich chces nelze odvodit ze zadne z techto
definic. Ja to proto povazuji za naprosto nelegalni a nesmyslne pouziti.

Neni nutne z tanecniku delat dementy (abych pouzil Miluv slovnik). Ale take
nesmime od nich chtit, aby vedeli neco "navic" z vyssich levelu  a
prohlasovat to za normalni jen proto, ze caller tyto levely zna a ma rad.

Martin "Pavouk" Podlaha
pavouk na square.cz
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