[Callers] Hvezdy?

Tomas Machalik doug na square.cz
Pátek Listopad 11 11:43:27 CET 2005

> Zajimal by me Vas nazor na nasledujici kombinaci: Heads square thru 4, 
> right hand star, swing thru. S zadnou doplnujici napovedou. Dle meho 
> nazoru je to kombinace nejasna a v podstate v teto forme neproveditelna.


takova napoveda je podle me skutecne neuplna. Ocekaval bych minimalne 
urceni, o kolik se ma hvezda otocit a s kym maji tanecnici provadet dalsi 

Mimochodem, toto tema uz jsme natukli pred rokem v konferenci 
square at square.cz. Zopakuji tedy to, co jsem psal tenkrat:


Ted je situace takova, ze koncova formace po provedeni hvezdy zavisi na 
nasledujici figure (a je tudiz na callerovi, aby si ohlidal korektnost a 
jednoznacnost napovedy). Klasickym prikladem budiz cast notoricky znameho 
singing-calloveho modulu:

Heads Square Thru Four
Make a Right-Hand Star with the Outsides
Heads Star Left in the Middle
All Right & Left Thru

Po provedeni prvni hvezdy (za pravou ruku, vsichni) zustanou puvodni Heads 
zady ke stredu hvezdy, zatimco puvodni Sides se otoci celem ke stredu 
hvezdy (a zustanou, jak zacinali). Po provedeni druhe hvezdy (za levou 
ruku, uprostred) zustanou vsichni, kdo ji provadeli (puvodni Heads) zady k 
jejimu stredu.

Ve Square Dance je (pro nekoho bohuzel, pro nekoho bohudik) situaci, ktere 
nelze presne popsat matematickymi pravidly, docela hodne - vyplyva to mimo 
jine i z jeho vyvoje az do doby, kdy byly definice figur standardizovany. 
(Mimochodem, puvodne treba Dosado a Dosido byly dve zcela rozdilne figury 


> Soubezne s tim se chci zeptat, kdo z Vas muze potvrdit, ze se to tak 
> bezne pouziva v nemecku. V C konferenci na toto tema probehly dve 
> diskuze, nikdo z ucastniku (vesmes pravidelne jezdici na zahranicni 
> akce) nemuze potvrdit, ze by se s touto kombinaci v zahranici setkal. 
> Najde se nekdo mezi Vami?
> Posledni dotaz - v jake formaci dle Vaseho nazoru
> konci hvezdy?
> Miloslav Maly

Trochu jsem se hrabal ve svych starych "vypiscich z Internetu" a nasel 
jsem treba kombinaci Heads Square Thru Four - Right-Hand Star Half Way - 
Veer Left, kterou jsem si tenkrat poznamenal mimo jine i proto, ze se na 
ni spousta americkych calleru tvarila jako na neco zcela normalniho. Ted 
jsem navic zjistil, ze je tato kombinace uvedena v nove definici 
CALLERLABu (ktera jiz byla schvalena, ale zatim nebyla publikovana) jako 
priklad pouziti. Krome toho nova definice vyslovne mluvi o tom, ze je 
koncova pozice po samotnem otoceni hvezdy urcena nasledujici figurou:

10. Left-Hand Star / Right-Hand Star

Starting formations:
     Facing Couples, Squared Set, Infacing Circle Of 8

Command examples:
     Men Center Right Hand Star; Back By The Left
     Heads Square Thru; Make A Right Hand Star With The Sides; Heads Center 
Left Hand Star; Back To The Same Girl With A Right and Left Thru
     Heads Square Thru; Right Hand Star; Heads Star Left Inside To The Same 
Folks; Right and Left Thru
     Heads Star Thru; Square Thru 3; Left Hand Star; Head Ladies Lead, 
     4 Ladies Center, Right Hand Star
     Heads Square Thru; Right Hand Star; Heads to Center star across the 
     Heads Square Thru; Right Hand Star 1/2 Way; Veer Left

Dance action:
     The designated dancers form a star by stepping forward if necessary 
and placing the appropriate hand in the center of the formation. Forming 
the star may require a dancer to individually turn in place up to 3/8 of a 

     Dancers turn the star by walking forward in a circle around the center 
of the star. The distance traveled may be specified in fractions of a star 
full around, or until some condition is met (e.g., Men Center Left Hand 
Star, Pick Up Your Partner with and Arm Around, Star Promenade).

Ending formation:
     Star plus an adjustment. Each dancer knows his position on the floor 
by how far the star turned.

     Starting from Facing Couples: Dancers must adjust their facing 
direction as appropriate for the next call. When dancers star across the 
center of the set (e.g., Centers Star 1/2 Way starting in a Double Pass 
Thru formation), they usually end in an Eight Chain Thru formation. When 
dancers star on each side of the set, the new ends usually finish as a 
couple facing in.

     Starting from Squared Set: When the 4 boys (or girls) Star the facing 
direction at the end is determined by the next call (e.g., Swing, Star 
Promenade, Turn Your Partner By The Left, Star Thru, Do Sa Do, etc.).

     1/2: 4, 3/4: 6, Full: 8

     Palm star (see Styling section). Men's outside arms in natural dance 
position, women's outside hands work skirt.

     Some areas dance any stars containing men with a Pack-saddle Star (see 
Styling section).

     The stars described above are 4-dancer stars. Stars of 3 or more 
dancers are also proper, as long as the caller's instructions to the 
dancers are understood.

     Some callers use 2-dancer stars in place of Arm Turns, accomplishing 
the hands up styling necessary in Ocean Waves, and having one less call to 
teach. While this is acceptable in a teaching situation, and may be a 
logical way to understand stars (i.e., 2 or more dancers), 2-dancer stars 
are not commonly encountered at dances.


Osobne jsem pred nejakou dobou dosel k zaveru, ze zejmena u figur 
pochazejicich z tradicniho tancovani (hvezdy, zatocky) bude zrejme stale 
velkou roli hrat "zvykove pravo", coz ve svem dusledku ponekud blokuje 
moznost zcela presneho definovani takovych figur. Vzhledem k tomu, ze 
takove kombinace jsou bezne i u nas, povazuji za nejlepsi cestu smirit se 
s timto stavem.

Hezky vikend,

 					Tomas "Doug" Machalik

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