[Callers] Zajímavé knihy ke stažení

Tomas Machalik doug na square.cz
Neděle Listopad 29 18:05:51 CET 2020

Ahoj všem,

americký caller Calvin Campbell, mimo jiné velký propagátor metody Module 
Calling, dal na Internet volně ke stažení čtyři své knihy. Myslím, že i 
pro ty, kdo moduly nepoužívají, je to inspirativní čtení.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Calvin <calcampbl na gmail.com>

I have uploaded four books that I have written about square dancing on the
Internet Archives.  These four ebooks will now be free. 

1) “All About Modules” is designed for beginner callers and for callers that
wish to expand their knowledge about how to use Modules to call square
dances. The appendices in the book contain about 1000 Modules that I have
collected over the years.  Most of the Modules were not written by me.  They
are the Modules I have used and researched from other sources.


2)   “The Mainstream Callers Notebook” sold thousands of copies over many
years.  The size of the book was made to fit into a 45 RPM case along with
the records.  The book contains over 400 Modules organized into themes based
on featured “basics.”  I quit producing the book when the price of printing
exceeded the MSRP of the book. 


3)”Teaching New Dancers” is a collection  of dances that can be used in
public schools, churches, youth camps, etc. to introduce children to
dancing.  The dance types include big circle dances, mixers, contras, trios,
squares, etc.  All the dances are done with only four commands. Music
suggestions are included


4) “Dancing for Busy People”  is the book used around the world for beginner
dance parties. It contains square dances, line dances, contras, mixers,
quadrilles, big circle dances, etc. 


Each of the four books can be downloaded for free. However, I encourage you
to make a donation to Internet Archives.  If you do, then books like these
will be available for future generations of dance teachers and other
interested people

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